The repair of concrete buildings and structures requires quality materials but more importantly experienced and skilled tradesmen to ensure that the repair is undertaken correctly. The removal of the defective areas of concrete, preparation of the exposed steel reinforcement, and concrete reinstatement has to be done correctly for the repair to be durable.
For small repair areas we use electric or pneumatic tools to remove the concrete and for larger volumes we often use hydro demolition. The concrete reinstatement can be hand applied mortars or for large volumes it may be sprayed gunite or flowable self-compacting concrete. The concrete surface finishing often needs to match the colour and texture of the parent which might be a shutter board finish or exposed aggregate finish. Our skilled workforce are able to achieve a high quality finish to match the parent concrete.
After repairing the concrete, a protective coating can be applied to all the exposed concrete surfaces to enhance the durability and for aesthetic reasons. These coatings can protect against further carbonation of the concrete and chloride ingress.
All our operatives have a training matrix covering a whole range of skill modules and attend regular training events with our material suppliers.